A new study released by the National Library of Science on Sunday, August 8th, revealed that IVC filters could save the lives of people getting surgical treatment for cancer of the bone or soft tissues. Ordinarily, those undergoing orthopedic procedures for the ailment may not get pharmacologic prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism (VTE). But with IVC filters, doctors might prevent fatal pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients.
The study focused on patients who received surgical treatment for malignant bone or soft tissue disease who had IVC placements. It also covered the surgery type, anatomic region, and development of wound compilations. The test ran from 2007 to 2018, covering over 286 patients who received IVC filters. 10 (3.5%) of that number suffered deep vein thrombosis (DVT) postoperatively, but there was no acute fatal PE.
Two patients suffered PE at 2 and 99 days postoperatively. The study compared DVT risk after surgery with endoprosthesis versus open reduction and internal fixation and soft tissue versus bone involvement. Three filter-related complications occurred, and patients disease at the femur had the highest rate of DVT.
The study concluded that following the treatment of malignant disease of bone or soft tissues, two patients with IVC filter placement experienced non-fatal PE, and three patients had filter-related complications.
Filter-related complications are the reasons for several IVC filter lawsuits against Big Pharma. Plaintiffs allege that IVC filter devices fail to cause severe injuries or to make them challenging to remove. In addition, if the IVC filter components break off or the devices slip out of place and move around the body, they can pierce blood vessels, thereby threatening the patient’s life.
If you or anyone you know suffered filter complications, contact our mass tort attorneys to learn your legal options.