If you or your loved one has been impacted by exposure to paraquat, it is time to focus on filing a Paraquat lawsuit to earn compensation.
This is not a chemical that should be taken lightly and the best course of action is to have a competent legal professional by your side.
The right mass tort lawsuit will help fight for your rights and make sure your voice is heard when it comes to showcasing the ill effects of paraquat. When dealing with complex litigation, it is crucial you have experienced Mass Tort Lawyers on your side, like those at Rueb Stoller Daniel.
What Is Paraquat?
Paraquat is a toxic chemical that has already been banned in various countries including China, Brazil, and the EU.
This is a chemical that is commonly used to get rid of weeds and/or manage agricultural needs. It is common for agricultural companies to use this chemical as a way to regulate their growth.
Unfortunately, this also means the harsh chemical spreads around and comes in contact with humans that are working near the plants or walking nearby. With constant exposure to paraquat, there are multiple cases involving Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and other serious health conditions.
Due to this, more and more lawsuits are popping up regarding exposure to paraquat and the companies selling this chemical.
What Side Effects and Injuries Does Paraquat Cause?
As you are taking the time to understand how exposure to paraquat should be handled, it becomes important to learn more about the side effects.
Paraquat is dangerous and this is known by researchers worldwide due to how it impacts the human body. If you aren’t careful, you won’t know what the appropriate steps are when it comes to analyzing the case and how paraquat affected you.
These side effects include:
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Birth defects
- Cancer
It is these side effects that are becoming more and more prominent among the masses as paraquat exposure becomes a problem.
A lot of countries are already talking about banning this chemical because it isn’t good for those who are working around plants/weeds that have been sprayed with this chemical.
It is better to keep track of your exposure as it will help with your Paraquat lawsuit as you move forward. By doing this and showcasing the side effects, you will have a much stronger chance of winning your Paraquat lawsuit in your state.
What Do We Know About the Lawsuits Regarding Paraquat?
Over the past few years, exposure to paraquat has become an important topic internationally.
More and more countries are starting to talk about this as a problem and that includes America. A lot of states are strict when it comes to the use of paraquat and which parties buy it.
It is only permissible for licensed professionals to use this type of solution and it is restricted on the open market. This means the average person can’t get their hands on paraquat in the states.
There is already an ongoing Paraquat lawsuit with agricultural actors and farmers listed due to the excessive exposure to paraquat. They claim the paraquat has caused an onset of Parkinson’s disease among those who have been in the fields for long periods.
This is a key detail to think about and it all starts with the help of a trusted legal professional.
How Can Your Paraquat Lawyer Help?
Lawyers are essential when it comes to a mass tort lawsuit.
This is an intricate lawsuit that is going to have a unique set of regulations attached to it. As a result, you will have to go through and speak to a qualified professional to help guide you down the right path.
The right mass tort lawyer will show what type of information is needed, what the statute of limitations is, and how to make sure your Paraquat lawsuit goes ahead as planned.
Only a trusted Paraquat lawyer is going to help you with this process and make sure key details aren’t missed.
What Is The Process of Filing Mass Tort or Class Action Lawsuits?
When you are in a situation such as this and have been victim to paraquat, it becomes vital for you to understand what your legal options are.
This is going to depend on the state that you are in and its regulations.
However, there are specific requirements in place for a mass tort or class action lawsuit. With a class action lawsuit, you will add your name to an existing lawsuit that already has hundreds of names on it. This is going to include others that are in the same situation as yours and had similar effects to deal with.
On the other hand, a mass tort claim works differently because each case is going to be different. While everyone will be affected by paraquat, they are going to have a unique set of circumstances attached to them.
If you want to learn which type of lawsuit is best for your needs, it makes sense to speak to a specialist with years of experience. This will shed light on your legal options and how the filing has to be done in your state.
This is an integral part of the process and has to be handled with care.
What Type of Damages Can I Receive if the Case Wins?
The main type of damage that is going to be listed in the lawsuit will be compensatory or economic. This means any damage where you have had to pay a set amount to other parties as a way to recover and/or get your life back on track.
It can include medical bills, rehab fees, prescription drug costs, and more.
Please note, it can also include something as simple as lost wages because you were unable to go back to work due to the exposure. Each situation is going to be unique but it is best to have a legal professional go through your specific case to see what damages can be listed on the claim.
While most people are going to be looking at compensatory damages, it is also essential to note there are additional damages that will have to be included in the legal claim. With a mass tort lawsuit, you will want to showcase how the exposure to paraquat had a damaging effect on the rest of your life beyond your wallet.
This can include things such as an onset of depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It can also include your inability to enjoy certain hobbies or things that you enjoyed doing in the past.
These damages are not going to be as evident when you are filing the Paraquat lawsuit but they can be cited as a way to showcase how the other party was negligent.
Due to the impact of paraquat and the strict regulations in the US, you can take the time to show how the other party didn’t follow the rules.
By doing this, the judge may be going to take the time to move forward with punitive damages against the defendant. This means they are going to ask for a comprehensive punishment against the other party, which can include fines and a prison sentence.
Is There a Time Limit to Filing My Claim?
Mass tort regulations are different in each state and it’s important to go through these details with a qualified Paraquat lawyer to determine what has to happen next.
Since mass tort lawsuits are complex, it is best to have a mass tort lawyer analyze your case before coming up with a legal strategy.
One of the details to think about will be the underlying time limit. The statute of limitations tends to vary from state to state when it comes to these types of lawsuits.
For example, mass tort lawsuits have to be filed within three years in Massachusetts, two years in California, and two years in Georgia.
This is why it is highly recommended to get the lawsuit filed as soon as possible. Your response to this situation will not only help you but others that have had to deal with exposure to paraquat in the past.
If you are hoping to take the right approach, it is best to start with a legal professional that will put your interests first and make sure your needs are met.
Contact a Paraquat Attorney at Rueb Stoller Daniel Today
For those who have suffered from exposure to paraquat, it’s important to understand the value of a high-grade legal professional.
You should take the time to settle in and analyze the various options available to you. This is an excellent time to speak to a law firm that understands how to handle mass tort lawsuits and will know how to make sure your chances are in line with your expectations.
The law firm of Rueb Stoller Daniel will take the opportunity to go through everything on your behalf and ensure the right legal claim is drawn up against the other party.
For those who are hoping to see tangible results when it comes to a Paraquat lawsuit, it is best to reach out to a qualified legal professional at 1-866-CALL-RSD.
This will make a real difference and make sure your voice is heard.