Navigating Hernia Mesh Complications: What You Need to Know

Hernia mesh is a medical device implanted by surgeons to reinforce the weakened tissue around a hernia. Some meshes are absorbable into the organism, but the majority of them are meant to remain permanently in place. Unfortunately, due to manufacturing or implantation defects, many patients develop hernia mesh complications. If this is your case, we encourage you to reach out to an experienced mass tort lawyer at Rueb Stoller Daniel and find out if you qualify for a lawsuit.

In this article, we will discuss the most important things you need to know about complications caused by hernia mesh.

What Causes Hernia Mesh Issues?

First of all, it is important to know that, just like any other surgery, hernia surgery carries a degree of risk. Specialists recognize that, even when the surgical technique meets the standard of care, complications may occur.

In some cases, the problem is caused by very specific conditions of the patients. However, most of the issues are caused by the quality of the hernia mesh and the materials it is made of.

How Long after Surgery Can Hernia Mesh Complications Occur?

This is an important factor to know from a legal standpoint. Some patients experience pain and discomfort (more on this topic later in this article) a few days or weeks after the hernia surgery.

In other cases, hernia mesh complications can appear years after the surgery – as late as eight years according to a clinical study cited by the research paper stated above.

The legal complication appears due to the existence of the statute of limitations – which varies between two and four years after the date of the incident from state to state. However, in medical malpractice cases such as this one, the time frame for taking legal action starts from the date the patient notices or should have reasonably noticed any negative symptoms.

The Most Important Symptoms of Hernia Mesh Issues

Given the importance of filing your lawsuit within the statute of limitations applicable in your state, the mass tort lawyers at Rueb Stoller Daniel recommend getting your condition diagnosed as soon as possible.

Here are the most common early signs that indicate something may be wrong with your hernia mesh implant:

defective hernia mesh can cause dangerous complications

1. Extreme Bloating

While some inflammation is expected after hernia surgery, if you notice that your abdominal area is bloated, go to the doctor immediately. Bloating may appear soon after the surgery or even months or years later.

This kind of hernia mesh complication is owed to:

  • Infection caused by the mesh
  • The mesh moving from the area where the doctor placed it
  • The mesh causes bowel obstruction and adhesion to bowel tissues

Make sure that you inform the treating physician that you have a hernia mesh implanted.

2. Debilitating Pain or Extreme Discomfort

In some cases, hernia mesh complications appear because your body rejects the implant. This can be a result of the fact that the doctor who performed the surgery did not inquire about your allergies. Or, the producer of the hernia mesh failed to specify that some patients may reject their mesh.

The symptoms of mesh rejection include:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

You may also experience intense pain in the lower stomach, groin or abdomen, depending on the area where the mesh was implanted.

3. Inability to Pass Stool

Inability to pass stool is a warning sign of bowel obstruction, which can have very serious complications. For hernia mesh patients, it can be caused by bowel perforation or adhesion to bowel tissue.

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Mass Tort Lawyer at Rueb Stoller Daniel!

If you experience complications after hernia surgery involving mesh implantation, reach out to an experienced mass tort lawyer at Rueb Stoller Daniel. We will examine the available evidence and advise you whether you have a valid case or not.

As a new client, you benefit from a free case evaluation, so call us today at 1-866-CALL-RSD!